講述非裔女性Misty Copeland堅守本心,努力練習,把握機會,最終成為了一位成功的芭蕾舞者的生平故事。
The story of a young girl--an every girl--whose confidence is fragile and who is questioning her own ability to reach the heights that Misty has reached. Misty encourages this young girl's faith in herself and shows her exactly how, through hard work and dedication, she too can become Firebird.
芭蕾、堅持、黑人舞者、火鳥、Misty Copeland
5-8 (Amazon)
【Reading Level】
C3 社會參與
藝-E-C3 體驗在地及全球藝術與文化的多元性。
1-Ⅱ-4 能感知、探索與表現表演藝術的元素和形式。
ISBN: 978-0399166150