Joseph had a little overcoat, but it was full of holes! When Joseph's coat got too old and shabby, he made it into a jacket. As children turn the pages of this book, they can use the die-cut holes to guess what Joseph will be making next from his amazing overcoat, while they laugh at the bold, cheerful artwork and learn that you can always make something, even out of nothing.
外套 、創意
3-7 (Amazon)
【Reading Level】
Lexile measure : 330L
B3 溝通互動
綜-E-B3 覺察生活美感的多樣性,培養生活 環境中的美感體驗,增進生活的豐富性與創意表現。
Bd-II-1 生活美感的普遍性與多樣性。
Bd-II-2 生活美感的體察與感知。
Bd-II-3 生活問題的創意解決。
2d-III-1 運用美感與創意,解決生活問題,豐富生活內涵。
2d-III-2 體察、分享並欣賞生活中美感與創意的多樣性表現。
ISBN: 978-0670878550