有一隻小母雞發現了小麥的種子,然後就開始播種、收割、磨麥粉直到到做麵包。在此過程中她請求dog、cat、mouse等朋友幫忙,但他們的回答是:「NOT I」,可最後麵包做好了,他們卻都想吃。小母雞會同意嗎?
A little hen asks other animals to help her bake bread, but they all say they have more important things to do. The little red hen decides to do the work herself─from growing wheat to turning it into bread. When all the animals come over wanting to share the bread, guess what will the little red hen say?
C2 社會參與
綜-E-C2 理解他人感受,樂於與人互動,學習尊重他人,增進人際關係,與團隊成員合作達成團體目標。
Ba-II-2 與家人、同儕及師長的互動。
2a-II-1 覺察自己的人際溝通方式,展現合宜的互動與溝通態度和技巧。
ISBN: 978-0768508963