When a giant squid takes inventory of all of the creatures in the ocean, he realizes that he's way bigger than most of them! Of course, there are bigger things lurking around . . . but maybe this giant squid with a giant touch of hubris doesn't really care?
2-4 (Amazon)
海E7 閱讀、分享及創作與海洋有關的故事。
海E11 認識海洋生物與生態。
A1 身心素質與自我精進
自-E-A1 能運用五官,敏銳的觀察周遭環境,保持好奇心、想像力持續探索自然。
INc-Ⅱ-8 不同的環境有不同的生物生存
ti-Ⅱ-1 能在指導下觀察日常生活現象的規律性,並運用想像力與好奇心,了解及描述自然環境的現象。
ISBN: 978-0803731929