303 Kid-Approved Exercises and Active Games helps 6-8 year old kids get off their chairs with fun and age-appropriate exercises. Exercise for children must be fun. These exercises have been used for personal training sessions, kids fitness classes, kids fitness camps, birthday parties and in schools; they have all been “Kid-Approved!”.
6-8 (Amazon)
A1 身心素質與自我精進
健體-E-A1 具備良好身體活動與健康生活的習慣,以促進身心健全發展,並認識個人特質,發展運動與保健的潛能。
Da-Ⅰ-2 身體的認識與衛生保健重要性的覺察
1a-Ⅰ-1 認識基本的健康常識。
1c-Ⅰ-1 掌握身體活動的基本元素。
ISBN: 978-0897936194