在現代社會中,許多人都喜歡吃速食食物並搭配飲料,殊不知這樣的飲食習慣會帶給身體很多不好的影響,這本書將告訴你個人習慣、飲食等會如何影響人體,也期許讀者能夠為身體做更好、聰明的打算。Sure, there's a "party in your mouth" as you gobble up your favorite fast foods and wash them down with sweet, sugary drinks, but what if "the rest of your body" could let you know how those choices will make you feel? Body Shout is a quirky short story about how our everyday habits affect our bodies and why we should make smart, healthy decisions.
3-7 (Amazon Custumer Reviews)
A1 身心素質與自我精進
健體-E-A1 具備良好身體活動與健康生活的習慣,以促進身心健全發展,並認識個人特質,發展運動與保健的潛能。
Da-Ⅰ-2 身體的認識與衛生保健重要性的覺察
1a-Ⅰ-1 認識基本的健康常識。
1c-Ⅰ-1 掌握身體活動的基本元素。
ISBN: 978-0981550817