Nick與Sue帶領小朋友們完成從A到Z的字母巡禮。在他們的眼中,X可以是兩隻鯨魚的親吻,Y是Nick覺得好吃(Yum)的優格,也可以是Sue覺得難吃(Yuk)的優格。插圖融入I Spy互動遊戲,E的背景圖裡躲著一隻大象(elephant),P的背景圖裡有一隻企鵝(penguin),孩子大聲說出答案時,成就感十足。
A is for apple, B is for bat, C is for crocodile, camel and cat . . . Here is a unique and special alphabet book. This very simple text is about two friends, Sue and Nick, who like very different things but are still best friends. They take us through all their favourite things from ABC all the way to XYZ . . . X can mean kiss, Y is for yoghurt and yum and yuk too, Z is for zoom, goodbye, Nick and Su
2-6 (Amazon)
A1 自主行動
綜-E-B3 覺察生活美感的多樣性,培養生活環境中的美感體驗,增進生活的豐富性與創意表現。
Aa-II-1 自己能做的事。
1a-II-1 展現自己能力、興趣與長處,並表達自己的想法和感受。
ISBN: 978-0141382326