公車到站,上車的竟然是幾隻頂著海灘球的海豹!仔細一看,司機先生都變成了一隻大老虎!還有哪些有趣的動物會陸續上車呢?作者透過幽默的文字,將 The Wheels on the Bus 這首家喻戶曉的英文童謠,賦予全新的生命!
"The seals on the bus go "errp, errp, errp". All through the town."Two children and their parents board a city bus on their way to a party. At the next stop, who should get on but a group of seals, who holler "errp, errp, errp" at the top of their lungs. Each time the bus stops a new kind of animal joins the passengers and adds to the din, to the children's delight and the parents' annoyance. But when several hissing skunks want to come aboard, even the children cry "help help help "
2-4 (Amazon)
【Reading Level】
Lexile:NP (Amazon)
C1 社會參與
綜-E-C1 關懷生態環境與周遭人事物,體驗服務歷程與樂趣,理解並遵守道德規範,培養公民意識。
Aa-II-2 自己感興趣的人、事、物。
1a-II-1 展現自己能力、興趣與長處,並表達自己的想法和感受。
ISBN: 978-0805072631