每個人的腦海都充滿了各式各樣的夢想,尤其在孩子的世界裡更是到處洋溢著無限可能的驚喜。Willy 是個愛作夢的孩子,一會兒是電影明星,一會兒變歌星,一會兒又成了相撲選手、畫家...;有時候又發現自己無法走路,但是卻可以飛行;有時長的比城堡還高大,有時卻又小的幾乎看不到...,一會兒是乞丐.下一秒又變成了國王. 繪本帶領我們與Willy共同遨遊在夢幻的樂園裡!
This is a stunning Willy book with spectacular, surreal paintings - by one of the most acclaimed of all picture book artists. Willy loves to dream. He dreams that he's a film star, a sumo wrestler, a ballet dancer, a painter, an explorer, a famous writer, a scuba diver...Sometimes he dreams that he can't run but he can fly. He dreams he's a giant or he's tiny, a beggar or a king, in a strange landscape or all at sea. He dreams of fierce monsters and super heroes, of the past and, sometimes, the future. Willy's dreamland is a gallery of amazing and magical pictures, each one magnificently executed and packed with bananas and slyly surreal details that cannot fail to intrigue and delight. The pictures pay homage to famous paintings by the likes of Dali, Magritte and Henri Rousseau, as well as film and book characters and much more.
A1 自主行動
綜-E-A1 認識個人特質,初探生涯發展,覺察生命變化歷程,激發潛能,促進身心健全發展。
Aa-II-2 自己感興趣的人、事、物。
1a-II-1 展現自己能力、興趣與長處,並表達自己的想法和感受。
ISBN: 978-1406313574